Meet Success with Soul, a LIVE
6-week group coaching experience
designed to completely up-level
your performance and joy
at work (and beyond).
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Drop the Struggle at Work. Elevate the Way You Show Up. LOVE Your Job.
Meet Success with Soul, a LIVE
6-week group coaching experience
designed to completely up-level
your performance and joy
at work (and beyond).
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When you set your
sights on something?
Everyone better step aside. Because you go after what
you want with everything you’ve got—and then some.

That tenacity, that fire, that boldness has been a gift, because it’s gotten you to some pretty high-powered places.
Fortune 500 companies. Parties with people of influence. Yachts floating off the coast of Capri.
Your professional life on paper looks like a career-driven human’s dream. But to you? It’s been painfully unfulfilling and laced with a lot of anxiety.
Yes, of course. There have been happy, exciting moments.

However, the other 90% of your work life looks something like this…
No matter how hard you try, your best never meets the expectations of your boss. That friction makes you feel small and always on the hunt for ways to get approval and earn that gold star.
(^^You hate to admit it, but it’s true.)
You find yourself bumping up against the same frustrations— whether that’s being passed over for a promotion, butting heads with certain colleagues, or feeling like you don’t have an influential voice on your team.
(^^It’s like a damn battlefield.)
All of that friction and frustration drains the ever-loving energy out of you, which means making healthy decisions about anything quickly goes out the door AND so does any form of kindness towards your loved ones.
(^^This one bothers you a lot.)

You know you can’t—nor do you want to—go on like this. And guess what, Honey Baby? You don’t have to!
What if I told you it was possible to completely transform your current situation without changing your job?
What if with a few powerful tweaks you can…
- magnetize a promotion,
- elevate your relationship with your boss,
- perform at the top of your game,
- feel amazing in your skin—energized, alive, motivated AF?
I’m here to tell you that ALL of the above is 100% within your reach.

It lies in harnessing the power you already have to create whatever you want in your career & your life.
So, what’s the secret ingredient? What are you missing? And why haven’t you been able to change your circumstances already?
SOUL, my friend. It’s all about SOUL.
That bigger-than-you, integrity-driven, higher-power piece of your humanity that’s usually overridden by the brain and by the ego.
It’s the magic. And when you tap into it, listen to it, and start taking action in alignment with it—EVERYTHING changes for the better.

- You become a magnet for what you want because you are BEING who you need to be to have it. Hello, promotion. Hello, raise. Hello, dream job.
- You handle challenging moments with confidence and kindness because you know they are always there to serve your highest good, not hurt you.
- You repair and rejuvenate relationships with even the most heartless of bosses and colleagues because you see them as troubled souls who need compassion. (My biggest lesson—and Honey, it works!)
- You feel like a complete goddess because you show up turned on, focused, and empowered on every Zoom call, meeting, and conversation.
- You throw off so many positive, enlivening vibes that people and opportunities naturally gravitate in your direction.
- You lead with heart, smarts, and a trust in a higher power which sets the example for other leaders to do the same.
- You have energy and space to give love to the people who mean the most to you and find that elusive “balance” that once seemed impossible.

By simply upping your inner game—your relationship to yourself and your spirit—you become the kind of person you likely envy now.
Nothing blocks you from feeling the way you want to feel, earning the kinda cash you want to earn, and living the life you want to live.
Because you’ve done the work to remove those blocks, Baby. And it shows.

How Do I Know This Shit Actually
Works? Because I Did It Myself.
Hi, I’m Nina Sasson, Soulful Career Coach.
I went from running into the same issues job after job (think: condescending bosses and always-getting-it wrong) to manifesting a top position at Rolling Stone, designing my dream role at Vevo, and then starting my own business.
I’ve got the sexy title. I’ve got the sexy income. I’ve got the sexy life. But none of it would mean anything if I didn’t feel sexy on the inside.
Thanks to years of personal growth work and learning how to get out of my own way over and over again, I’ve never been more confident in my skin or more successful in my career.
When we lead connected to the wiser part of us—our souls—and we know how to keep that connection strong, open, and clear, we become unstoppable.
I want that for you. And I know you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want it too.
That’s why I’d like to introduce you to something that has the potential to completely uplevel your career.
Meet Success
With Soul
A live group coaching program designed to help you shift out of pity-party mode, revive your connection to your soulful self, and elevate the way you show up in your career so that you can consciously command the success you want.
It’s next level, Baby! You ready?
Step 1: Identify Your Blocks.
Using mindfulness, we shine a light on the inner blocks standing in the way of your success and joy.
Step 2: Clarify & Embrace Your Truth.
Discover what you really want and what fuels your inner fire? It’s the only way to find the fulfillment you desire.
Step 3: Create a New Mindset.
Shift away from the old stories and limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering mantras of positivity.
Step 4: Sink into Soulful Communication.
Yes, Honey. Learn to speak your truth with confidence, strength, and love and have a more powerful influence.
Step 5: Practice Fun.
Discover the perfect-for-you self-care practices and activities that elevate your energy and bring you joy.
Step 6: Remember to Remember.
Learn how to truly integrate this new way of being into your being.

- 6 weeks
- 90-minutes per week (repurpose mindless IG scrolling time)
- Surrounded by heart-centered go-getters
- Led by me, week-by-week
- With a private VIP coaching session to boot!
Inside the experience you’ll receive:
- 6 live group coaching calls
- 1 private VIP session
- Weekly worksheets and growth-focused assignments
- Step-by-step career success hacks
- Daily access to a private community of professional go-getters (and me)!
The Impact Of Success
With Soul On Your Being
Curious what you can expect to walk away with after 6 weeks?
How you can feel about yourself:
You will believe in yourself more deeply than ever before. In what you’re capable of and in your worthiness of having what you want.
That buzz of real excitement, focus, and inspiration? It will be yours to tap into because you finally know how to protect your energy.
You’ll know your unique gifts and how to leverage them in the workplace and beyond.
Cozy in your skin, calm in your body, clear in your mind. All of the above comes from learning how to stay grounded from the inside out.
That momentum you’ve been craving? It’s happening with ease now because you’ve cultivated all of the above within.
How your career can be impacted:
Feeling genuinely happy with where you are at work right now, without having to change companies or jobs.
Because of that inner confidence, your voice is present and powerful, which means it has an impact and carries weight at work.
Abundance ($$).
When you are being who you want to be at work, you create space for more opportunity and money to arrive.
You, my friend, will be a next-level leader which means your relationships will change for the better—from bosses to colleagues.
You know where you want to go in your career and you courageously chase it with a deep trust in how it will all unfold for you.

Scarcity. Competition. Fear. Defensiveness. Cattiness.
^^You don’t live or lead from them anymore.

Now, Success with Soul Isn’t for Everyone.
It’s designed for a certain type of professional. So, if this isn’t you, then feel free to exit this page ASAP.
Success with Soul is for you if…
- You believe that you’re destined for more than struggle and drama in your career and you’re ready to change that now
- You’ve noticed that no matter what company you work for the same issues seem to follow you
- You want to connect with your inner truth and the wisdom of your soul, but you don’t know how
- You’re so over the rat race and needing to prove yourself endlessly to your boss and superiors
- You’re open to spirituality and the implications of having a spiritual practice in your life and in your career
- You’re interested in being a positive force in your life and work environment
- You want to understand yourself and your inner limitations more deeply so that you can transcend them

Are You Ready?
Are You Nodding “Yes!!!”? Are You Thinking, “I Need This Now!”
Honey, trust those instincts.
That is your soul speaking.
If you notice for a moment the excitement pulsing in your skin, the dance happening inside your belly, the leaning in that’s happening within your body, that is what it feels like to be connected to yourself and your truth.
I invite you to pay attention, as a first step. The second? Take action.
Hit the enroll button below now and open yourself up to learning more about this incredible group experience with me as your mentor.